Locating Chromatic Number for Corona Operation of Path and Cycle

Nur Hamzah, A. Asmiati, Wahyu Dwi Amansyah


The locating chromatic number (lcn) of a graph is a part of discrete mathematic research, there is no general theorem for determining the lcn of any graph. The corona operation of Pn and Cm, denoted by PnCm is defined as the graph obtained by taking one copy of Pn and |V(Pn)| copies of Cm and then joining all the vertices of the kth-copy of Cm with the kth-vertex of Pn. In this paper, we discuss the lcn for the corona operation of path and cycle. The lcn of (PnC3) is 5 for 3 ≤n< 7 and 6 for n≥7. Moreover, the lcn of (PnC4) is 5 for 3≤n< 6 and 6 for n≥6


Locating Chromatic Number, Corona Operation, Path, Cycle

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19184/ijc.2024.8.2.6


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