The oriented chromatic number of edge-amalgamation of cycle graph

Dina Eka Nurvazly, Jona Martinus Manulang, Kiki A. Sugeng


An oriented k − coloring of an oriented graph G⃗ is a partition of V(G⃗) into k color classes such that no two adjacent vertices belong to the same color class, and all the arcs linking the two color classes have the same direction. The oriented chromatic number of an oriented graph G⃗ is the minimum order of an oriented graph H⃗ to which G⃗ admits a homomorphism to H⃗. The oriented chromatic number of an undirected graph G is the maximum oriented chromatic number of all possible orientations of the graph G. In this paper, we show that every edge amalgamation of cycle graphs, which also known as a book graph, has oriented chromatic number less than or equal to six.


edge amalgamation of cycle; homomorphism; oriented chromatic number

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