On M-unambiguity of Parikh matrices

Wen Chean Teh


The Parikh matrix mapping was introduced by Mateescu et al. in 2001 as a canonical generalization of the classical Parikh mapping. The injectivity problem of Parikh matrices, even for ternary case, has withstanded numerous attempts over a decade by various researchers, among whom is Serbanuta. Certain M-ambiguous words are crucial in Serbanuta's findings about the number of M-unambiguous prints. We will show that these words are in fact strongly M-ambiguous, thus suggesting a possible extension of Serbanuta’s work to the context of strong M-equivalence. In addition, initial results pertaining to a related conjecture by Serbanuta will be presented.


Parikh mapping; subword occurrence; injectivity problem; print; strongly M-equivalent

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19184/ijc.2020.4.1.1


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