Zonal Labeling of Graphs

Christian Barrientos, Sarah Minion


A planar graph is said to be zonal when is possible to label its vertices with the nonzero elements of 3, in such a way that the sum of the labels of the vertices on the boundary of each zone is 0 in 3. In this work we present some conditions that guarantee the existence of a zonal labeling for a number of families of graphs such as unicyclic and outerplanar, including the family of bipartite graphs with connectivity at least 2 whose stable sets have the same cardinality; additionally, we prove that when any edge of a zonal graph is subdivided twice, the resulting graph is zonal as well. Furthermore, we prove that the Cartesian product G × P2 is zonal, when G is a tree, a unicyclic graph, or certain variety of outerplanar graphs. Besides these results, we determine the number of different zonal labelings of the cycle Cn.


zonal graph; zonal labeling

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.19184/ijc.2024.8.2.4


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